Friday, April 25, 2008

The Mission

Hello. Welcome to my site.

You know, I see lots of Army Band sites online. They all talk about duty, honor, country, pride, blah blah blah. I guess if you are going to represent our country's taxpayers you should have something like that. But they don't represent (at least) one major factor: the people who make up these outfits.

We are real people and real musicians, with real families, real friends, real feelings, and real things we do during the course of the day. Some of those things are stuff we do to earn a living, and some of them may be things we do to keep ourselves sane, whether or not they're socially acceptable (or exactly legal). This site is for those of us who do these things.

We play and we practice; we may also drink or take a toke. (Or at least we did, or what Terry or some of the others did, once upon a time, if that's what you want to tell your wife or your kids or your co-workers.) ;-) We have fun, get crazy, and don't appreciate someone above us telling us we need to be "professional" 100% of the time. When I'm in my uniform performing for an audience, that's when I'll be professional. Afterwards when I'm with my family or friends, I'll be myself again, thank you very much.

So enjoy this site. I hope it brings a smile to your face and a warm feeling to your heart, because it does to mine.



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